The Performer’s Guide to Physical Expression

As musicians, we practice being as “in the moment” as possible. We are vessels for the music we perform. Like how we can change the sounds of our instrument to embody the emotions, so too must our bodies follow with the flow. Manufacturing emotions creates physical tension and unnecessary expectations that will take your body… Continue reading The Performer’s Guide to Physical Expression

Habit Stacking

Getting your child into the habit of practicing an instrument is not for the faint of heart.  We get it.  The struggle is real.  It can be tempting to white knuckle it and resort to the tried-and-true parent strategies of nagging, pleading, bribing and plain old “dropping the hammer”.  However, may we suggest a more… Continue reading Habit Stacking

Listening as Rehearsing

Music lessons have always been an involved process of finding the time and space to practice. Once we find the time and space, we must reign in our focus, observe our mistakes and ingrain our success. It seems nearly impossible sometimes to feel like we are making any progress without sacrifices — especially when schedules… Continue reading Listening as Rehearsing

Raising A Musician

“Music is such a central thing in our lives.  It’s so important, not just as a musician, but as a way to both relax and energize,” commented Emily Peters of Michigan, regarding the role that music plays in her and her two children’s lives.  Beck, age 15, who plays cello in the high school orchestra,… Continue reading Raising A Musician

Brain Development

Developing the brain is paramount to a healthy and fulfilling adult life, as you may have suspected already! As such, any methods that encourage brain development at a young age are worth exploring. It just so happens that music is one such method! Studies have shown that playing an instrument encourages brain development, and also… Continue reading Brain Development

A Dad’s Journey through the Pain of Regret

My dad was a music major.  He graduated from the Conservatory of Music at Baldwin Wallace University outside of Cleveland and went on to teach music in the Cleveland Public Schools in the early 1960s. By the time I came along, or at least was old enough to remember much of anything, he had moved… Continue reading A Dad’s Journey through the Pain of Regret

Foster Self-Regulation with Music

The skill of self-regulation is crucial early and later on in life, as it provides numerous advantages for children and adults. Self-regulation is the ability to comprehend and manage behavior, emotions, and situations (Raising Children Network, 2016). This skill is important to develop in children for a number of reasons; it helps them listen while… Continue reading Foster Self-Regulation with Music

Motivation: Pain Free Ways to Encourage Practice

Parents often find themselves in the stressful situation of micromanaging their child’s schedule. This could be taking away TV privileges until they finish their homework, setting a limit on video game time each day, or telling their children when to practice their instrument everyday. These interventions are often contentious and mostly ineffective over time. In… Continue reading Motivation: Pain Free Ways to Encourage Practice

Piano, “The Peanuts”, and Potential: A Look Back On The Day I Quit

Even as a young man, I still distinctly remember the day I quit piano. Though I can’t tell you how old I was exactly, I remember where I was, how it happened, and most of all, how it felt.  I was sitting at the piano, and I’d just finished up a lesson. I hadn’t practiced… Continue reading Piano, “The Peanuts”, and Potential: A Look Back On The Day I Quit

Music & Joy

Music has a shared, profound effect on the way that we feel; people all around the world share an appreciation for it. We come together at events like concerts and churches to enjoy it. We play it in the car during our daily commutes. We hum tunes around the house, sometimes without realizing it. While… Continue reading Music & Joy